We promote ecological biodiversity and protect indigenous wisdom, knowledge and cultures.

Our Philosophy


We are on a mission to develop sustainable and ethically sourced products that help people live longer, healthier, and happier lives while promoting ecological biodiversity and protecting indigenous wisdom, knowledge, and cultures.

Our Mission:

  • Promote holistic wellbeing by sharing indigenous knowledge of how to live longer, happier and healthier lives.

  • Create harmony with nature by promoting the benefits of biodiversity, organic farming, biodynamic, wild collection, herbal medical knowledge.

  • Promote biotrade, restore fragile environments, and tribal rural and marginalized communities.

  • Document wisdom from indigenous people on all continents with a focus on plants and traditional medical knowledge.

  • Collaborate with indigenous communities to preserve their culture and ancestral wisdom while creating a reliable and sustainable source of income for their communities.


We believe there is a direct link between biodiversity of the natural environment and human health. Modern science plays a crucial role in improving health and lifespan but indigenous cultures hold centuries of ancestral wisdom on harnessing the medicinal benefits of plants and herbs found all around us while living with respect, and in harmony, with nature.

At Live Forever Young, our goal and passion is to fuse traditional wisdom and modern science to develop products that can help you live a long and happy life with a healthy mind and body, living in a healthy and bio-diverse environment.


We operate a research project in the heart of Europe called the ‘Forest Garden’. The project is inspired by ancient agricultural and health wisdom. Located in an area known as the ‘Fruit Garden’, it is a perfect location to create harmony between modern science with ancient wisdom. Several thousand years ago, Celtic tribes and their druids used this very forest as a walk-in phytopharmacy. Many indigenous people still use it in the same way today. We are rebuilding and putting to practice this marvelous harmony with Mother Nature.

Our Team

We are a band of like-minded individuals, from diverse countries and different continents, who share a common love for nature and a vision to do better for people and our Planet. We understand that living a long, healthy and happy life requires a holistic approach. Environmental health and community health is fundamental to our personal wellbeing.

We ought to eat food as medicine, otherwise, after 50 years we will eat medicine as food.

— Ancient Proverb